Guidelines for Publication
Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences is a semi-annual journal that appears on May and November. From 2017 Agathos is only published in electronic form on the journal's website. The use and distribution of the open access articles are permitted for non-commercial purpose provided the original works are properly cited (according to CC BY NC standard).
Authors' Rights
Authors' rights: retaining copyright and publishing rights for their own articles. We use the standards applied by other international academic journals.
Publication Ethics
To accomplish the task of ethical publication practices, the team invites all the contributors to seriously consider the acknowledged Codes of Conduct / Guidelines for Best Practice - see for example the consistent documents published by COPE.
Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences adheres to the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). Articles submitted to the journal must meet CMS requirements.
Information for Authors
1. Manuscript:
The manuscript should be formatted for A4 paper and must be in MS Word. Please do not submit PDF files. Text should be in Times New Roman 12 point, justified, and use 1 spacing throughout, including references [10 point]. Texts should ideally range maximum 4000 words.
If you need to use non-Latin fonts (e.g. Greek), please use the standard fonts, that are included in MS Word. The Chinese, Japonese, and Arabic terms/expressions should be written in Latin letters.
We don't accept anymore tables, graphics or maps inserted within the paper.
Deadlines for manuscripts' submission: August 31st, for the Spring Issue; March 31st, for the Fall Issue.
2. Formatting:
Formatting should be kept to an absolute minimum. Italicize non-English words and words used for emphasis (e.g. the author). Single inverted commas should be used for emphasizing new and unusual words/expressions and/or usage (e.g. 'philosophy').
Do not use bold or underline. Lists should be incorporated into the main text and not set apart.
3. Informative Abstract, Keywords, and Biographical Note:
Immediately following the title, your contribution should start with an abstract (not exceeding 300 words). Three to six keywords should be listed after the abstract. Abstract and keywords should be in Times New Roman 11 point, justified. Authors are asked to supply a short biographical note.
4. References:
Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences uses the author-date system from the Chicago Manual of Style.
5. Works Cited List:
The works cited list is strictly construed as a list of works you have cited, and not as an extensive bibliography. The author(s)'s name: placing the last name first and separating the last name and first name with a comma; for example, Peter Singer becomes Singer, Peter. The year of publication is listed after the author(s)' name. Titles of books and journals are italicized. Titles of articles, chapters, poems, etc. are placed in quotation marks. Location and publisher are listed after. In a bibliography, all major elements are separated by periods.
Please consider this Template.
Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail to:
Articles that are not prepared strictly according to the Agathos' guidelines will not be accepted for publication consideration.
Submission Guidelines
As an open access (OA) journal, Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences is immediately after publication freely and permanently available online. OA publishing requires authors to pay APCs (Article Processing Charges), once the article is reviewed and accepted. The amount of payment of € 150 can be made online using a secure payment form, the authors getting the possibility to make their final published version freely and permanently available online immediately after publication.
Article Processing Charge (APC)
Publishing a manuscript requires an APC of EUR (Euro; €) 150 that will be paid by the submitting author upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication.
The authors are required to confirm the made payment by email to
Payment Instructions
The following payment methods are accepted:
Payment by Card
Payment by Bank Transfer
APC applies to papers accepted after peer review (September & March)
Submission of 150 € must be made to
Beneficiary's Name: ASOCIATIA FIAL-CAT. Mention: Agathos: An International
Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences - APC
Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal.
The authors have the entire responsibility for the articles' content. They allow publication of their articles in the journal Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The authors are asked to carefully considering the editorial standards of the journal Guidelines for Publication.
Contributions received for publication shall be subject to peer review assessment system as follows:
• For the first issue (May), from January 1st until March 31st. The reply given to authors: March.
• For the second issue (November), from June 1st until August 31st. The reply given to authors: September.
All articles are evaluated in the peer review system.
Submitted manuscripts are sent to peer reviewers who will recommend whether they should be accepted, revised or rejected.
Any manuscript is reviewed as a confidential document.
The reviewers' reports are anonymous.
The main points of review procedure follow to assessing the relevance of the theme, the coherence of approach, the originality of data interpreting, the structure and clarity of presentation, the language correctness, the well supported references, the standards of publication ethics.